It's Wins-Day!

Sometimes we don’t give ourselves enough credit for what we have accomplished in our lives. 

We are quick to beat ourselves up all the time over stupid things that don’t really matter in the long run, yet we rarely take the time to thank ourselves for being so creative and amazing.

When was the last time you celebrated yourself? Gave yourself a pat on the back for doing the hard things? Treated yourself to a little extra gratitude for being you, and getting through life up to this point?

We tend to forget that even getting out of bed and putting on clothes to go outside can be a huge win on days that feel particularly challenging. Or drinking an extra glass of water. Or not screaming you stupid A-hole while driving our kid to school.

There are lots of ways we can celebrate our wins, but we have to recognize them first.

Where can you find a win for yourself in the last 24 hours? How about last week? Over the last month? 

I’ll bet that if you make a list of your wins, you’ll start to see yourself in a different light. You’ll start to see all those little things you brushed off as unimportant or took for granted become the things you smile about because they actually do make a difference in your life.

You’ve most likely gone through some challenges in life and had obstacles thrown in your way, and if you’re reading this, then it means you came out on the other side. There’s probably lots of wisdom that was gained from said challenges or obstacles, so how can you look at that experience as a win, even if it doesn’t feel like it?

Often we get caught up in our drama of daily life, and we let it get the best of us. We wake up stressed or anxious, worried about the things of the day that haven’t happened yet. We lose the curiosity for the unfolding of life before us, and forget to relax and see where the adventure leads us.

We take for granted all the magick of the present moment and insist on plunging ourselves into the negative aspects of who we are and how life is going for us.

The problem with doing this is that you create more negative experiences for yourself. These undesirable experiences continue to perpetuate the cycle, and you find yourself trapped in the loop of fear, doubt, worry, anger, resentment, depression, and so on.

If you’re experiencing this in your life now, it’s absolutely possible to change it around. Our words, thoughts, feelings, beliefs, and actions create our reality, and turning things around is easier than you think.

Celebrating yourself can massively shift your outlook. Everything that shows up for us is a mirror of what we feel inside, so when we start looking for our wins rather than focusing on our failures (which, btw, aren’t failures at all — they’re feedback), we are able to lift our own spirits and flip the script.

Sure, we may not be in the circumstance we want at the moment, but that doesn’t mean it’s all bad. There is a way to look at the present moment from a different perspective, finding the positive things that move us forward when we’re in a sticky situation.

There’s always light to be shed on the darkness. We are that light. We provide the way out for ourselves. 

Yes, we also need the darkness, and there’s always wisdom to be gained from these times. It’s important to have these experiences and allow ourselves to fully feel whatever we need to feel, but we don’t need to stay there forever. It’s ok to let go.

Celebrating yourself gets you out of the darkness. We need to be our own light (searching for external validation is a whole other post), and when we do this for ourselves we become more empowered, more confident with who we are, and more courageous when it comes to doing the things we want to do in life.

So, did you get out of bed today? Win. Did you change out of your pj’s to go to the store? Win. (Even if you went to the store in your pj’s, that’s a win too).

Did you drink a glass of water? Win. Eat breakfast? Win. Kiss your loved ones? Win. 

(See how easy this is?)

Did you look out the window and appreciate the sunlight, the clouds, the rain, the trees, the birds, or whatever you saw? Win.

Do you have a new appreciation for yourself after reading this article? Huge win. =)

Now, go make a list of your wins and read it before you go to bed. Then read it again when you wake up. Notice how you feel, and notice how your day goes. What’s different?

Written by Katie Cavenagh, Energy Alignment Specialist & Wordsmith. Find more at and