
 Acupuncture is a treatment based on Chinese medicine, a system of healing that dates back thousands of years. At the core of Chinese medicine is the notion that a type of life force, or energy, known as qi (pronounced "chee") flows through energy pathways (meridians) in the body. Each meridian corresponds to one organ, or group of organs, that govern particular bodily functions. Achieving the proper flow of qi is thought to create health and wellness. Qi maintains the dynamic balance of yin and yang, which are complementary opposites. According to Chinese medicine, everything in nature has both yin and yang. An imbalance of qi (too much, too little, or blocked flow) causes disease. To restore balance to the qi, an acupuncturist inserts needles at points along the meridians. These acupuncture points are places where the energy pathway is close to the surface of the skin.

You are living your best life when your mind and body are balanced and healthy. That's why taking a holistic approach is helpful to prevent and reverse disease. 

In addition to acupuncture, herbs, nutrition and physical manipulations, like Tuina and cupping may also be used.

Condition that can be treated

Reducing headaches - migraine, tension, cluster, and sinus pain

Reducing pain of the neck, shoulders, upper and lower back, hip, joints, arthritis, carpal tunnel syndrome and trigeminal neuralgia 

Reducing menstrual cycle pain

Psychological Treatment 

Reducing stress, insomnia, anxiety and depression  

Gynecological Treatment

Treating infertility, pregnancy care (reducing nausea and vomiting, balancing the body for a healthy pregnancy for mother and child), inducing labor (overdue 40 plus weeks), breast feeding (including pain reduction due to mastitis and lack of breast milk), postpartum depression and menstrual cycle pain, menopause symptoms such as hot flash, excessive sweating

Digestive System Treatment

Reducing constipation, diarrhea, hemorrhoids and acid reflux 

Cosmetic Treatments

Facial care, reducing wrinkles, promoting hair growth, and reducing acne

Other Treatments

Reducing allergy symptoms, treating tinnitus, reducing cigarette craving, improving immune system and reducing sick days, reducing appetite, promoting weight loss


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