Illuminating Your Heart's Desires

With all that’s going on, these light codes, downloads, upgrades and everything in between are turnin’ and burnin’ — and hitting us hard! There are also massive solar flares happening, and the last super moon of the year, right before the close of the Lion’s Gate, is pulling us into her light.

With all this light hitting us, our shadows become extremely visible. No more hiding in the dark y’all! Those situations you’ve been avoiding? No more. Time to face the fears, do the hard stuff, and break on through to the other side. 

It’ll all be worth it, even if it seems like a snowball’s chance in hell.

This is what’s being illuminated for us — all those places where your heart is calling, but for whatever reason you aren’t following.

There’s a reason your heart is pulling you towards your dreams. We are in the midst of the most powerful time on the planet, where manifestation is becoming faster, easier, and we are embracing that that’s exactly what we came here to do!

Everything we think and feel becomes our reality, and when we take responsibility for what we are truly doing, we tap into our power. 

If things aren’t going the way you want them to in your life, ask yourself where you’re speaking or thinking against what it is you want. Are you doubting yourself or talking yourself out of doing what you know you need to do? Are the fears getting in the way? If your “comfortable” situation is bringing you pain and suffering, are you willing to get uncomfortable for a while?

And if you’re riding the high vibe, where can you ramp it up even more? Expand yourself and dream even bigger. What else needs to be called in to help you reach your next level? And, how uncomfortable are you willing to get to make your dreams a reality? Are you ready and willing to take those huge leaps of faith that people are going to call you crazy for?

Manifesting what you desire requires you to be in alignment with what you’re calling in. 

It’s time to look for what you’re holding on to that keeps you where you are. What choices do you have, and which ones are you making? Are you consciously choosing to do something different or unconsciously choosing to keep things the same?

All this light coming in to us leads us to find these timelines we are stuck in and break free. The solutions are right in front of our faces, but we are in the fog of our own drama.

Give yourself permission to let the light show you the way. Let yourself be guided to your truth, even if it’s not what you want to see. Honor and accept yourself exactly where you’re at, because you are right where you need to be — and it’s temporary anyway.

Use this energy of the portal, the full moon, and the rest of the cosmic debauchery to create thoughts around who you are looking to become. Love who you are today, and who you’ve been up til now. Love who you will be in the future and how you will show up in the world.

Hold on to the essence of your dreams and desires. Live as if everything you do takes you one step closer to them. Ask the universe for everything. Be bold and brave enough to declare that you are making it happen, no matter how big and outrageous those dreams and desires might be.

And definitely don’t let anyone, including yourself, talk you out of it.

Now is the time.