Stop, Drop, & Roll - A New Way to Connect to Spirit

As we begin to enter into the season that’s a favorite for many of us, we’re approaching another time when the veil becomes thin, making it easier to connect to “the other side” —  and with Mercury retrograde plus the full moon fast approaching, now would be a good time to re-establish that connection and find balance before the cosmic debauchery gets out of hand.

Often when we feel out of sorts, a large part is from being disconnected to Spirit. We get caught up in the drama of our lives, or perhaps avoid the drama all together by watching too much Netflix while catching a buzz from the bottle.

Whatever we do that pulls us into destructive patterns can throw us off balance quickly, but know that it’s possible to bounce back just as fast.

All we need is a few minutes to stop, drop, and roll (but not like we were taught in school should we find ourselves ablaze from playing too close to the cauldron).

This simple method helps to reconnect and harmonize you almost instantly and all you need is a quiet space and a couple minutes.

Here’s what you do:

  1. STOP — Literally stop what you’re doing and take a deep breath. This will help disperse the mind chatter and clear any frantic energy, bringing you back into your physical body and the present moment.

  2.  DROP — Allow yourself to “drop” down into your heart space and connect with your heartbeat. Feel how your personal presence and energy resonates within as you listen to life-force energy running through you.

  3. ROLL — Let your eyes roll upwards as if you were looking at the insides of your eyelids. This is said to help open the subconscious and assist in accessing higher information. Ask for whatever information is available to come to you as you connect your third eye (in the middle of your forehead) to the light of all-that-is.

It only takes a few minutes to feel noticeably different than you did before, and you may even be able to discern a new solution to whatever set you awry in the first place. 

It’s a great trick when you’re standing in line, overwhelmed by a crowded place, or frustrated when a project isn’t going the way you’d like. It’s also a helpful tool for children when they are having a difficult time dealing with intense emotions and need some time to come back to peace.

Taking the time to respond to life’s situations from a connected, clear space can make all the difference when it comes to looking for those win-win solutions for challenges and obstacles. 

Give it a try and notice what you notice!

Written by Katie Cavenagh, Energy Alignment Specialist & Wordsmith. Find more at and