5 Tips for Staying Grounded in the Trying Times of Change

If life hasn’t been clear for you lately, it’s about to be!

Whatever you’ve been treading through like it’s mud mixed with cement, this cycle of cosmic debauchery is bringing all sorts of things to light.

Indecision will be no more, as your path is about to become crystal clear — and most likely brings with it tasks where walking across hot coals sounds way more fun than what’s being presented.

But that clarity is going to be exactly what you need to finally move yourself forward. Whatever you’ve been putting off or avoiding, well, it’s time to face the music and dance.

Here are some things to keep in mind when it comes to remaining committed to your growth and spiritual journey:

  1. You can’t grow from your comfort zone. Change is uncomfortable. If it wasn’t, everybody would be doing it. Expect to be freaked out about doing things differently. Figure out a way to dispel some of the discomfort that works best for you — meditate, journal, punch a pillow, talk to a friend, howl at the moon, etc.

  2. Give yourself space to let the Universe help you out. You can’t control everything (you can only control yourself), so let the universe and your spirit team take some of the weight off your shoulders. You’re not “less” because you’re asking for help, you’re an expert manager of your life who knows when to delegate.

  3. Ask for it to be easy. We assume everything has to be hard or else it’s not valid. Change doesn’t have to be hard, painful, or overwhelming. We make it this way for ourselves by the way we perceive our reality. Why not ask What would it take for this to be easy? What’s the worst that could happen?

  4. Not everyone will support you. And that’s ok. Everyone is on their own journey, and many people don’t want to do the work on themselves to heal, grow, or change. Stay focused on yourself and what is true for you, even if others don’t understand. You aren’t required to explain yourself, nor is anyone required to stick with you. Let the people go who aren’t supportive, and create the space to find those that do.

  5. Just keep swimming. When things get hard, don’t quit. These times are when the Universe is testing your level of commitment to your goals. You’ll be handed obstacles and challenges to help you grow and learn. Find the message in the mess and be grateful for all the situations you encounter and watch what happens.

And a bonus tip that’s been most useful to me when all the chaos is unleashed at once:

What would it take to easily experience a change, even if I don’t know what it is?

No matter where you’re at, be all there. Don’t give up just because things seem hard right now. Remember that the arrow must be pulled back before it is shot. You got this.

Written by Katie Cavenagh, Energy Alignment Specialist & Wordsmith. Find more at FeelYourLight.com/blog and https://katiecavenagh.medium.com/