Letting Go With Love

What have you found out about yourself lately?

Have you been able to notice the things that have left your life and all the reasons they needed to go? 

Are you more in tune with what you want, and can you recognize what leads you closer to your dreams and desires?

Do you simply feel different?

There've been big changes, little changes, massive shifts, upgrades, and transformations since the start of the new year. Some were more pleasant than others, but so goes the story of life.

Where have you seen changes happening that you know are for your highest good? Did you take them in stride or did you resist and attempt to control the situation?

Often we resist what's meant for us because we're afraid of change. We don't want to leave the comfort of what we've known, especially if it's "good" (or just OK) because we think there's nothing better out there.

It may seem a bit counterintuitive, and it sure takes a lot of trust, and we often don’t realize that there is that thing you’ve dreamt of, existing already, just waiting for you on the other side of your fear.

Sometimes we need to release things that are "good" so we can have something extraordinary. Remember, what's meant for you is coming either way, so whatever you set up for yourself before your incarnation is the path you'll end up taking in the long run.

Read more about it here.

It takes a strong, courageous person to let go of all that’s comfortable and take that leap of faith towards the life of their dreams. A simple desire to feel better than you have been feeling is quite the motivator to let things go.

We are linked to a force greater than we are that helps guide our lives. It shows us by way of feelings when we are aligned with our desires. It leads us to the people and opportunities that will help us create what we came here to do. It fills us with life-force energy, heals, and offers great wisdom.

However, many are cut off to this magickal aspect of life.

Often we ignore our feelings, especially those times when our gut screams noooooooo, but we go ahead and do the thing (we possibly regret afterwards) anyway.

We do this by habit and unconscious choice most often, which is why awareness is the key to freedom. You can’t solve a problem if you don’t know what it is!

Letting go of what’s no longer aligned doesn’t have to be filled with pain and suffering. Change is inevitable, suffering is optional. We can choose to let go with love, as the act of letting go is an act of love to oneself.

A few ways to let go of things that keep your light dim, prevent your growth, tether you to past timelines, or generally don’t make you feel good include:

  • Having deep conversations with yourself (and others) about what’s not working in your life and why. Journaling about this often reveals things we may not want to admit out loud, but the simple act of acknowledging some of these hidden feelings open up the healing and new perspectives. This is not meant to attack, but merely to recognize the timelines that are keeping you stuck.

  • Taking time to grieve will help the process feel less overwhelming. This is the step we often forget, thinking that once we change everything will be hunkydory. But that’s not the case and we sometimes get feelings of sadness or depression, even anger or anxiety that seems to come out of the blue. Take time to process the loss of your old self and what it means to move forward.

  • Honoring your journey thus far will show you your strengths and all the things you’ve done that you thought were impossible before you did them. Celebrating all the wins (big and small) reminds you that you can do great things, hard things, and seemingly crazy things you’ve never imagined. Make a list of accomplishments and look at it often to remind yourself that you can do this.

No matter where you’re at in life, you always have the choice to create things the way you want them to be. Being able to see through the fear will give you the steps, and one must remember that love for who you are is where the magick starts. It doesn’t come from what’s on the outside, it comes from the state of being on the inside.

Choosing to align and fill your life with things that feel good require us to “clean out the closet” for what no longer fits. Choosing your dreams over all the drama of things not being right becomes easier with each conscious choice. Choosing you helps alleviate the pain of letting go. It’s always going to hurt, but how long you keep that pain is up to you.

Written by Katie Cavenagh, Energy Alignment Specialist & Wordsmith. Find more at FeelYourLight.com/blog and https://katiecavenagh.medium.com/