Setting Your Intentions for Transformation

The new moon in Aries is bringing along with it some powerful energy of transformation. With this being the first new moon since the equinox, it starts out the new astrological year (Aries is the first sign of the zodiac). Aries is fiery and a powerful, tenacious, catalyst; and with Chiron (the Healer) lined up just right with the moon, there’s some pretty strong waves you can surf, if you catch my drift.

Tapping into this transformative timeline, whatever you’ve had on the back burner can now come to the front to be fully put in motion. This is the time to get it done, take those risks, and be willing to put yourself out there in a big way. If there’s anything you’ve been wanting or waiting to do, know that all the support you need is available and the universe is cheering you on.

The new moon is a perfect time to set intentions about what you want to create in the next few weeks, anything you wish to do, and any changes you need to make in order to become the highest version of yourself. Intention setting is something I love to do, and below is one of the ways I honor this powerful energy for manifestations.

New Moon Intention Ritual:


  • Index card or small pieces of paper

  • String or ribbon

  • Colored markers, pens, or pencils

  • Charms or talismans

  • Bag (optional)

  • Crystals (optional)

  • Herbs (optional)


Find a quiet spot where you won’t be disturbed. Ideally out in nature, but you can use a spot by a window, near your favorite plant, or anywhere that you feel peaceful and comfortable.

Take a deep breath and get centered. Connect with spirit, your guides, and the Earth. 

On a piece of paper or index card, write out an intention you would like to manifest as the moon grows (waxes) over the next two weeks. It could be something tangible like a specific amount of money, or an energetic component such as calling in a greater ability to love or have patience.

Use a color that resonates with you like green for money or career, red or pink for matters of the heart, blue for clarity and expression, purple for wisdom, orange for creativity, yellow for confidence, etc. There’s no right or wrong. Go with your gut and what you like.

Focus deeply on your intention as you write it, feeling into how great it feels to already have the thing. The brain and body don't know the difference between what’s real and what’s imagined, and when you allow yourself a full visceral experience, you are literally rewiring your subconscious, giving it instructions to look at life through the lens of new eyes.

The art of writing it down is a powerful transmitter, as are the words you choose. Be sure they resonate deeply with you, so you feel that “bone buzz” when you repeat them out loud to yourself.

Next, take your charms or talismans and place your hands over them. Supercharge them with your intentions, love, and gratitude and either tie them with string around your intentions or braid them into your hair.

Optional steps include placing your intention papers or rolls (if you tied them) into a cloth bag with crystals and herbs/ herb jars, and keeping it by your bed, in your pocket, on your altar, or somewhere you’ll be reminded of what you’ve requested of yourself and the universe.

Each day revisit your intentions, and note down any signs that things are moving forward. The universe will always drop you love notes to let you know you’re on the right track, and when you start looking for them, they’ll readily appear.

Written by Katie Cavenagh, Energy Alignment Specialist & Wordsmith. Find more at and