The Power of Prioritizing

How often do we forget about ourselves, our wants, needs, and dreams, because we are so focused on everything else going on in our lives? Maybe we’ve got kids running around, family or school obligations, work, we’re navigating relationships, hustling to pay the bills, and this, that, and the other thing that takes us away from the present moment.

This is pretty commonplace in most people’s lives, where everything but themselves seem to matter. If you’re one of those people who, like me, tends to put everything else first, it’s time to take a short break, and turn the focus back to you.

It’s not always an easy task to tell everything else vying for your attention and time to hold up, and wait a minute. The world will not end if you don’t get something done or if you take a day off for yourself, although we sometimes forget this. And remember, you are important and valuable, so if you’re not good, you can’t truly help anyone else. You are requested by the universe to shine like the star you are by recognizing and accepting that.

Quite often that’s something that doesn’t sit well. It might bring up some fears about being seen, guilt from wanting to live the life you really want (and came here) to live, or even resentment to the fact that Earth presents its own challenges and obstacles that keep you “stuck”.

Whatever comes up that isn’t pure love, joy, or excitement for yourself, is a sign of something you can heal to bring yourself back to a state of harmony. When you think about doing something for yourself, and committing to doing it everyday, do you get any sensations in your body? If so, notice what and where they are, keep your attention on them, and simply sit with whatever you feel.

Putting everything else in your life first tends to drain our precious life energy as we are giving our power away to that which is outside of us. In order to own your power, it’s imperative to take responsibility for your existence. You must realize your life is a divine gift that you co-create with the universe, and you have control of yourself via free will down here on Earth.

Choosing to accept that divineness means accepting the importance and value of your existence. You are here for a unique purpose and chose to come here to live it out. Making yourself a priority in your own life connects you deeply to this purpose and opens up a world of possibilities at your fingertips.

However, when you choose to shy away from acknowledging yourself as a powerful, important part of this world, you dim your light and shrink away from the magick you possess. You allow others to dictate how you live and what you do, and perhaps even shy away from being who you truly are because of what others might have to say about it.

Know that the pain from doing this eventually will catch up and you may be forced to make a decision — choose to be you and take up space, or continue to live in the pain of denying yourself the truth.

Putting yourself first, and making it a priority, teaches massive self-love and is a way to be the change you desire to see in the world. The reason is because many people beat themselves up for wanting to take care of themselves. They’ll say they don’t have the time, money, or desire  — they’re too tired, feel guilty, or don’t want to be a burden to anyone else.

The thing is, how can you be at your best for someone else when you’re not at your best for yourself? Making yourself a priority allows you to be your best. It shows the world that you care about yourself, your soul, your body, and how the combination works in perfect harmony here on Earth. You show up differently. You emit a higher vibration of love. You come back into oneness with yourself, and from there, you can be of service to others. 

Just for today, give yourself permission to be a priority and go do something for you. It may be something simple like going for a walk, having lunch with a friend, getting your hair or nails done, going to see a concert, taking a nice luxurious bath, maybe even having that glass of wine or changing the sheets on the bed and getting a good night’s sleep. 

Whatever it is that you feel like doing for yourself, do it. You don’t have to commit to completely changing your life today, but you do have to commit to being you, and honoring that everyday, because the world needs you. There’s no need to explain that you want to take care of yourself, nor does anyone have to understand your choices for them to be meaningful and valid. 

You are a glorious, unique being, just as we all are here on this planet. When you take the time to honor that about yourself, you unconsciously give others the safety to do the same. Prioritize your light and be a beacon for others. That’s one of the greatest gifts you can give.

Written by Katie Cavenagh, Energy Alignment Specialist & Wordsmith. Find more at and