There's Always Enough Time

Placing your energy and focus in the present moment allows you to fully experience life as it is meant to be.

Time management, or should I say, lack thereof, is an epic fail for most humans. How often does “I don’t have time for that” come up, or “I wish I had more time”, or “Time goes way too fast” pass by your mind or come flying out of your mouth without much other thought?

There is always plenty of time in the present. Never too much, never too little. 

Imagine a perfect balance of time for everything. Hmmm…the possibilities. How does it make you feel when you imagine the perfect amount of time being available for everything you’re doing? With our current conditioning, I’ll bet you feel like it’s impossible, or are thinking “yeah, right, like that’ll ever happen”. Maybe there’s even a little tightness in your chest at the thought of being able to “fit” everything into your day.

In all honesty, the present will literally present you with the exact amount of time you need to accomplish what you need to do in that space. We often don’t allow ourselves to have this, as many people are stuck in their mind-stories that run a mile a minute.

Quieting the mind, reconnecting with the breath, and grounding into the moment are all ways to get present. Being present in your body, allowing yourself to feel the feels (yes, I’m talking about actually feeling emotions here, especially repressed ones, wink, wink), and coming to acceptance with “what is” catapults you into the moment. 

Only by accepting what is, without judgment, fear, or worry, can you fully be present and work alongside that flow of underlying, subtle energy called “life”. You can call it Source, All-That-Is, God, the Force, whatever you like, it’s all the same. It’s a power greater than us that works through us to create what we call “life” or “reality”.

Reframing your focus around your relation to time, meaning seeing it as expansive and malleable rather than rigid and constricted, opens you up to the flow. When you believe you have just the right amount of time, you will. If you give yourself an hour to do something, it will take an hour, but if you give yourself all day, be prepared for it to take all day.

Worrying about time pulls you out of the present moment, as you are focusing on something that hasn’t happened yet. By staying in the present moment, “time” may seem to change — it doesn’t feel so crunched and rushed. You may feel like you have “all the time in the world” when you are present, because you do.

When the only thing that matters is the present moment, time expands, fully allowing you to experience the moment and all of its sweetness. We miss out on this when we insist on thinking about our past, giving it our attention, feeding it energy and essentially keeping it alive; or when we are so focused on all the things that could happen (that haven’t and probably won’t) in the future.

Where are you letting “time” have power over you, and what do you think, say, and feel about your current relationship with it? Where can you speak to the expansion, rather the restrictions you may experience, and what are your dominant thoughts about how much time there is, how it’s spent, and if you’re truly being present throughout your days?

Affirmation: When I am present, there is always the perfect amount of time for everything.

Written by Katie Cavenagh, Energy Alignment Specialist & Wordsmith. Find more at and