Welcoming & Infusing Spring Energies

Written by Cindy Cleveland, Herbalist & Wildcrafter

Spring is the time of abundance. Old becomes new, the colors once faded have flourished and brightened, the bees, birds and animals awaken from their winter naps. The sun shines brightly on the frozen earth to welcome the next year of bountiful gifts.  We revel in the joy of the equinox ushering in new beginnings for all who wish to harness its glorious power.  

It is time for us to shed our dark veil saying farewell to Winter and lift up in the spirt of Ostara. 

Ostara marks the Spring Equinox; it is the perfect time to plant new seeds literally and figuratively and we begin to manifest those thoughts and ideas that we envisioned during cold days of hibernation.


It is now that I long to get back out to the garden, planting, harvesting, medicine making, and breathing in the love of the plants that are so generous to give me their energy. 

There are many rituals/traditions one can perform during this time including planting a garden and seed blessing, decorate your sacred space with flowers, colored eggs and so on …. 

One of my favorite rituals when the early Spring plants start to arrive is creating a nourishing Lunar Infusion. Wait, what is that you said “Lunar Infusion” YESSSSS!!! Lunar Infusion and there is no better time than now with the first Full Moon of the equinox. 

What makes a lunar infusion so beautiful? Each full moon offers us a new experience and when we empower our infusions with the energy from the moon we add in a bit of extra magic to the mix. 

What herbs would be good to use in your infusion? There are many and usually I say use what your intuition guide you towards, however when we are looking to enlighten our spirit with the newness of the season early Spring herbs are best. 

Chickweed, Dandelion, Nettles are all waiting for us to sit with them and enjoy their warmth from the soil. 

Why are these herbs great for a spring infusion? They are amazing at helping with lymph and digestive stagnation left from our winter slumber, as well as eases seasonal allergies. Our plant allies have a great way of reminding us that life begins anew again and darkness turns to light.  

OH! and did you know that these can all be found in your back yard?? Fresh herbs are always best but if you are unable to locate fresh, dried is ok.

Supplies Needed:

1 quart sized mason jar

A handful each of Nettle, Chickweed, Dandelions. (If harvesting wild Please use caution with nettle as it can cause a stinging rash, I suggest using gloves! )

If using dried herbs its 1tbsp of each herb. 

Place herbs in jar and fill with boiling water. Cover and let the light of moon enrich and infuse overnight. Collect your jar in the morning, strain and enjoy !!!!

It is more important now than ever to remember our connection to the earth and praise it for all it has given us to be fully self-sufficient.  

Cindy Cleveland

Clevelandia Homestead



Katie Cavenagh