Are You Ready for a Celebration?

Written by Katie Cavenagh

It’s time to celebrate — and today it’s time to celebrate you!

The first half of the year is over, and as we move into the remaining months of 2022, now is the perfect time to take a moment and reflect on how you’ve been doing so far.

Of course there are ups and downs, and today we are going to celebrate it all. We are the only ones that judge our experiences as good, bad, or ugly, when in truth, everything just is, and everything that we experience has value of some sort.

The lessons we learn from hard times give us opportunities to heal, expand, and understand ourselves at a much deeper level when we look at them as “growth gifts” from the universe. Sure, sometimes these gifts are wrapped in sandpaper, but when we get past the surface, there’s gold on the other side.

Celebrating what we may consider to be “bad” experiences helps us to find balance and neutrality within ourselves and our lives. When we hold on to the emotional intensity that comes up from remembering a particularly difficult situation, we perpetuate that “bad” feeling, only to have it sink in our being even further.

However, when we are willing to look past the surface layer of what we “remember” (which is only one perspective of the whole experience), we can discern fact from fiction, see things for what they really are without the emotional attachment, and find the message in the mess through inner healing.

This is part of celebrating yourself. 

Keeping yourself locked in a box from the past, feeling ashamed, guilty, angry, or whatever about your life choices and experiences, doesn’t feel so good. But when you are willing to embrace everything, knowing that it doesn’t define you, and integrate all the wisdom from those experiences, you become lighter, freer, and happier.

There is a wholeness that comes from celebrating all your growth. There is an expansion in consciousness, a newfound movement towards unconditional love and acceptance, and deep gratitude for the lessons learned.

What’s something difficult that you experienced this year that you got through, even though it was hard? What did you learn from the experience? How has it shaped your outlook on yourself and your life? Can others benefit in some way from what you learned?

There’s always a blessing in the BS, and often we forget to pat ourselves on the back for finding it. We’re quick perhaps to celebrate our big wins (and maybe other people’s too), and often overlook the little hurdles we overcome that make up the big picture.

Today, also look for the smaller, hidden wins, like catching yourself before you say something snarky, not flipping the bird in traffic, having a nice conversation in the checkout line, an ah-ha moment, or even saying no to doing something you know isn’t aligned with what you want.

These are worth celebrating too, as every day gives us an abundance of opportunities to learn and grow. Awareness is the first step to healing, and any new awareness that comes through is worth acknowledging.

Don’t forget how incredibly amazing you are. There is only one you on this planet. That’s pretty special, and definitely worth celebrating. Go you! 

Written by Katie Cavenagh, Energy Alignment Specialist & Wordsmith. Find more at and