Tarot vs Oracle. What’s the Difference?

Written by Stephanie Rosally-Kaplan

There are many ways to glean information from Spirit, and one of the most common is card reading. You may have heard of Tarot, which is a popular form of reading that most people know of. Oracle readings are becoming more popular these days as well, and the question always comes up “What’s the difference?”

Let’s start with Tarot.

Tarot decks contain 78 cards and are divided into the major arcana and the minor arcana. The major arcana has to do with the grand scheme of life and has 22 cards, while the minor has to do with everyday life and contains 56 cards. 

The major arcana is represented by cards like The Fool, The Magician, Temperance, and The Sun; while the minor arcana is like a deck of playing cards, consisting of four suits called swords, wands, chalices (cups), and pentacles.

In tarot the elements (air, water, earth, and fire), numerology, and astrology, or even symbols can influence the way a card is read. The art may change in tarot, but the order of the deck does not, and the general meanings of the cards stay structured from deck to deck.  

Some people may find some images in tarot to be scary, like the Death Card. The Death card only means death of what does not serve you, and gives room to birth something positive. I believe tarot cards go in very deep, and the cards can be harder to work with than oracle cards. 

Oracle cards are much easier to understand. There’s no set rule. Traditional meanings and a specific order of the cards is not there.  They can be on any subject like angles, moons, animals, crystals, past lives, etc. Most have one word and an uplifting message on the cards. 

This helps you to interpret the cards your own way. They are “lighter” than tarot, but that does mean they are less meaningful or healing. Oracle cards can provide deep insight to a specific area of your life, and all decks carry different energy. It’s useful to use different decks for different types of readings.

If you are thinking about using cards, I would start with Oracles. Whichever way you decide to go, it’s important to feel the energy of the deck you are planning to buy. 

Go to a physical store like the Borrowed Time Emporium (352 main street, Durham CT), where you can get your hands on the actual deck you are thinking of using. There’s a huge selection of cards out there (and at the store), and it’s important that you connect with the energy of the deck so you can get a clean reading.

You need to feel the deck, see the artwork, and understand the subject of the cards you are handling. You can try muscle testing or using a pendulum to see if the deck is right for you. The more you connect to the cards the more you will use them, and the deeper your insights will be. 

Regardless if you use Tarot or Oracle cards, here are some general tips to help you connect, open up, and receive the information that wants to come through.

  1. Read the guidebook

  2. Create Sacred space

  3. Remove Clutter

  4. Ground and Center yourself

  5. Work with one card a day

  6. Notice how the card makes you feel

  7. Connect with the energy of the deck 

  8. Work on any letting go of negative beliefs you may have about the card readings 

  9. Flower essence like mugwort can strengthen your psychic abilities

  10. Create an altar in the room you are going to read in, or use a portable one. 

  11.  'Program' a crystal to help you read, and carry it with you when doing your readings 

  12. Keep your cards in a beautiful box with crystals, positive written words, or other things that would empower your understanding of the cards

  13. Try giving yourself a three card reading: past, present, future 

I really love teaching how to use tarot. I enjoy using the cards in a pathworking journey with others. I truly connect with spirit when I give a tarot reading. I am excited to announce, I will be starting an online class on how to intuitively connect to your cards and read in the near future. 

As a Certified Soul Coaching® Oracle Card Reader, which is different than doing a reading, the focus is more on coaching, and you play an active role. I assist you to truly listen to the inner messages from your soul. This will help you empower you. A Soul Coaching Oracle Card Reading is not therapy, and only looks to possibilities that might be available to you.

Remember, nothing is ever set in stone in the future, as one decision today creates the outcomes of tomorrow.

Written by Stephanie Rosally-Kaplan

Reiki master teacher, Sound Healer, shamanic practitioner, spiritual teacher, Certified Crystal Healer, Magnified Healing, UWT gemstone crystals practitioner,  MoonologyTM practitioner, Gateway Dreaming™ practitioner, Certified Soul Coaching® Oracle Card Reader

Autumn Sage LLC https://www.facebook.com/Autumnsage11 rosallykaplan@gmail.com