Hand it over for the highest good.

“Give it to God” is something we hear when we are going through a challenging time, but how often do we actually heed this advice?

Giving things to God (as you understand God, Good Orderly Direction, or we could also say “the Universe”), helps to take the weight of the world off our shoulders. I like to say “put it in a jar, then put it on the shelf for the universe to handle.”

As humans, we tend to think we have to do everything ourselves, and forget that we have Divine guidance at our fingertips — all we have to do is ask.

When things get tough, we often get caught up in the whirlwind of our own drama, sinking into the emotions that leave us feeling heavy, upset, and lethargic. Carrying the burden of our problems all by ourselves can really weigh us down.

Searching for solutions when you’re in the same energy that created the challenge in the first place doesn't do much to get you out of it. In order to find a better solution, you must see the situation from a different perspective. 

There’s only so much we can control, which is only ourselves, so trying to control anything else doesn’t get us farther than stressed out. By releasing that which you can’t control, you free up your energy to actually find the solutions.

What would happen if just for today you didn’t worry about how you’re going to solve a challenge you’re facing? What if, just for today, you asked the universe to help you out? What would it take to let go of trying to control the situation or outcome, and turning your focus inwards?

Solutions are found within, and will appear out of nowhere when the coast is clear. You won’t be able to reach these solutions when caught up attempting to make others conform to your ideal situation, worrying about the outcome, or ruminating in self-pity.

All this extra stuff — the worry, doubt, fear, anger, shame, guilt, etc. — can be lifted off your shoulders and given to the universe (or at least put on the shelf), even if just for a moment.

When all this baggage is put down, it’s much easier to get to a state of presence, and after all, that’s where the power is. You can’t do anything in the past because it’s gone, and there’s no point in trying to live out a future that hasn’t happened yet. Hooking into the emotions of a challenge keeps you locked in the past and/or the future, completely missing the present.

Giving all those things to the universe, the memories of the challenge and the worries about what will or won’t happen, frees up the space in the moment to bring the next steps. Asking for guidance along the way (and being sure to listen for the answers) becomes easier because now you have a little space for clarity.

Releasing whatever you have no control over simply takes a willingness to trust. Trust that what you give the universe will be taken care of, as it’s not for you to worry about. Have faith that when you ask for help, you will be given it.

Affirmation: I am willing to let the universe help, and guide me to the next steps and solutions.

Written by Katie Cavenagh, Energy Alignment Specialist & Wordsmith. Find more at FeelYourLight.com/blog and https://katiecavenagh.medium.com/