The Gift of a Mediumship Reading.

Written by Stephanie Rosally-Kaplan

As human beings we are the bridge between the Cosmos and the Earth. We are made of light and information, and vibrate as energy. Spirits are the same thing, vibrating at a different energy, and also bridge the gap between the physical and non-physical realms.

When we lose a loved one, in the midst of our grief, we forget that energy is never destroyed- it can only be transformed. A medium is someone who is well versed in this knowledge and uses their intuition to connect to other energies not of this realm.

Tapping into this way of communicating, a medium (sometimes also called a “reading”) can help with the grieving process. It gives us evidence that our loved ones’ energy can still reach our hearts. It can help us heal in ways beyond our imagination. 

I have been communicating with spirits since I was a child. It comes naturally to me and is nothing I fear. I have facilitated many loving messages from loved ones to the sitters.

When my friend was killed by her husband my heart was broken into pieces. Even though I have helped so many, I couldn’t help myself. The sorrow was too great for me to handle. Even healers need healing, and I honor having recognized this in myself.

I went to see my cousin in Long Island, NY, who was having an extraordinary, gifted medium over her house. As soon as I sat down, the medium uttered “Deidre”. My heart filled with joy, tears began running down my face. She delivered a message I needed to know.

I needed to let go of my pain and anger so I could receive messages from her. I might not have known how to do that in the moment, but I trusted without a shadow of a doubt that this was the way through the grief.

A week following that, while I was at home, my high school yearbook suddenly fell off the shelf right in front of me. I looked down and it was opened to the very page she wrote on. It said, “Don’t worry about me….” I grabbed the book and placed it on my heart and felt her warm loving energy. In that moment I was healed. 

My belief is that our loved ones can still guide us in a positive way from beyond. They watch over us and whisper in our ears and give us signs only we would recognize.    

When I was doing a sound healing session at a fair in CT, a warm, loving, older male energy was felt. The client’s late husband joined in. After the session, I asked in a very compassionate way, if an older male just passed. She told me her husband just passed two weeks ago. She asked for a reading, and I gave her a personal message. She felt so much better after hearing his words. The client stated she knew she needed to see me that day. There were many readers at the fair. Most likely the husband was guiding her to me, as those who know me know that I don’t read at fairs. 

Spirits can help us with our love life too. 10 years ago, I was giving a woman a reiki session. The client’s grandmother came in, showing me a big pot of sauce. It appeared she was making dinner for her granddaughter and boyfriend. She was letting my client know the man she’s with is “the one” and she was welcoming him into the family with her food. The granddaughter ended up moving in with her boyfriend and they are still together. 

Loved ones will come to give us warnings to help us also. At a mediumship circle, a student’s father came in to let his daughter know to check the pipes at his home. A few weeks later the client told me there was indeed an issue with the pipes.  

Spirits don’t forget those special events in our life either. I was shopping at a store and a late husband whispered in my ear to buy the citrine crystal I was admiring and give it to his wife. I gave it to her at the beginning of her reading. After the reading she told me it’s the color of her birthstone, and her wedding anniversary was the following week. He showed up to me because he wanted to make sure she got something from him. Love never dies, and that energy can reach us from beyond the walls of death.

How Do I Get a Good Reading?

A medium reading should always be delivered in a loving and caring way. Never should the reader make a person feel worse. It is with great respect, devotion, study, and honor that we may use our gift to speak directly with spirits. Untrained, ungrounded, egotistical mediums or the ones who didn’t work on themselves can do harm to others. 

Know when to walk away from a reading. If they are asking you too many questions, if they argue with you, make you feel horrible or uncomfortable, put fear in your soul, or are being very unclear, it’s a sign your reader isn’t doing their job. Also, a “reader” should never walk up to you without your permission to give you a reading. They need to know their boundaries. 

Be certain of what you are looking for in a reader. All psychics are not mediums. All tarot card readers are not psychic. Oracle reads differ from tarot. Some “readers” do not work with the Light. Don’t hesitate to ask any questions you have, as most readers are used to explaining what they do. Read bios, reviews, and check social media also to see if it’s a good match. Most importantly, trust your feelings. 

Here at the Red Barn in Durham, all the psychic / mediums at the fairs are vetted. The Red barn in Durham’s website lists many of the “readers” available to help you. Also note everyone can’t read everyone. If a reader can’t read you, they may know and refund you on the spot, but if not and you’re not satisfied, ask for your money back. 

Stephanie Rosally-Kaplan - Reiki Master/Teacher, Sound Healer, Shamanic practitioner, UWT gemstone, Spiritual Life Coach, Workshop and Classes

352 Main Street, Durham, CT 

(914) 330-1474