Where Are You Headed on Your Next Adventure?

2021 is over. Finally!

Give yourself a pat on the back for how far you've come.

These past few years have really been something, and we've all been blessed with the opportunity to take a good look at what's been oozing out our cracks since we've been so brutally broken open.

What have you been able to learn about yourself this year?

Astrologically speaking, EVERYTHING we no longer align with has been brought front and center for us to acknowledge, let go of, and integrate the lessons from the experience.

There were some big, harsh truths.

There were some a-ha moments where suddenly everything made perfect sense.

Other moments that made no sense at all.

Things got revealed to you about your deepest dreams and desires.

Realizations about who you are, why you're here, and what you're doing may have popped up into your awareness too, making you question everything you thought you knew about yourself.

Life sure has changed, we can't deny that, but how these changes affect us boils down to our ability to adapt, integrate, and face the fear of the unknown.

I'm sure I'm not the only one who has been pushed to the edge of the cliff and then booted off with a swift kick in the ass from the universe this year. In fact, this has been my reality since 2018, each year getting a harder boot to the butt to start living my life.

Eventually all the things will come to you. You can't escape the timeline you set for yourself before you came to this planet. What is meant for you will show up exactly when it's supposed to, and invite you to come along for the ride, if you so choose.

HINT: Choose to go along for the ride. The resistance is just prolonging the pain.

Here's the thing- when wonderful, amazing, beautiful facets of our wildest dreams start showing up in our lives, we tend to run in the opposite direction, screaming in terror. Please, tell me why we push away all that we want?!

Most often, I find we are scared to have what we want in life.

We'll be labeled or judged by our family, friends, and people who don't even know us. We won't be able to handle it. We don't know who we would be if we changed and the unknown version of ourselves is too big for us to step into. We feel like imposters.

Yes, all of this will probably come up for you when you think about living your big-dream life because we have been programmed and conditioned to believe we need to stay small and in our comfort zones, settling for whatever life has for us.

The Truth is that we can create anything we desire, live that BIG life, and be whoever we choose to be. But that requires work. We have to trust the universe, follow the guidance, and listen to our own intuition.

Will you do the work to have your life be exactly what you want?

It only requires one step at a time. Put one foot in front of the other. Dip your toe in the puddle if you have to. The point is you have to move. 

You can choose to step to the side, remaining in your current timeline, allowing all opportunities to make your dreams a reality to simply pass you by, OR you can step into the unknown with blind faith that you will be led in the right direction.

Take your foot off the emergency brake (aka the ego that screams "No! Don't do it! Don't change! It's safer to stay who you are!") and put your foot on the gas. Drive down the road that leads to your dreams.

You are the only one standing in your way.

Written by Katie Cavenagh, Energy Alignment Specialist & Wordsmith. Find more at FeelYourLight.com/blog and https://katiecavenagh.medium.com/