Transformation is Hard, but You Can't Screw Up What's Meant For You

Great things don’t happen in your comfort zone.

There have been some pretty big shifts happening and you may have noticed some changes taking place in and around you. 

As we exit eclipse season, which has stretched from May 2020 through December 4th, 2021, we are being ushered into a period of rebuilding and rebirth, whether we like it or not. It's happening and we can either choose to suffer with resistance, or accept things for what they are.

What is meant for you will find its way regardless, and many of us are experiencing that now. Old relationships are falling away to make room for something more aligned in ALL areas of life including romantic relationships, family dynamics, and business partnerships.

Trying to force something to remain as you've always known it will only bring pain, as what is no longer meant for you and has served its purpose begins to find its way out the door. Holding on and attempting to control something that's not aligned with your core values is a waste of your precious energy. You can't control anyone or anything other than yourself, and doing so leads to disappointment, frustration, and often anger, guilt, resentment, and grief.

Sagittarius season is in full swing, and brings about a visionary energy of truth and freedom. With Neptune having gone direct on the 1st, these truths will be clearly seen and actions will be presented as opportunities to align. You have the choice to evolve or not. Just remember that suffering is optional.

Change is never easy. Growth is uncomfortable. Being someone you don't know is scary AF!

But you know what? You've done it before, guaranteed. So that means you can do it again. It's all about having absolute trust in yourself and the Universe. Leap and the net will appear when you follow the pounding in your heart telling you to go for it.

You're being asked to trust at the highest level with absolute blind faith. This is one of the hardest things to do, but bear in mind that your fortune is on the other side of your fear. The bigger the risk, the bigger the reward. And a lot of times that reward is the freedom you've been searching for.

Written by Katie Cavenagh, Energy & Sound Healer, Spiritual Alignment Coach, and Wordsmith. If you like this article, you can read more at