The Magick of Crystal Healing

Wow, how times have changed!   The other day I was asked to-do tarot card readings at a 100-year-old private high school in CT. This would not have happened 30 years ago when I first started reading tarot!!! The energy in the building was incredible. I enjoyed giving inspirational and encouraging readings to over 20 students that day and the students truly loved getting a reading. It gave them clarity with some questions they had and helped them reduced their stress. I was blessed to be able to help.

I was honored when a staff member asked me to do a reading for him. Spirit guided me to do a charka reading.  I took out a pendulum and started testing his chakras to see which ones were not in balance. I found his  throat to have an imbalance.  There could be many reasons why.  One possibility was that his voice was harsh due to an event , but my guides were telling me his voice was harsh due to a lack of communication with his higher self. I found that sitting in front of me was a very spiritual and intuitive person. The staff member expressed to me he didn’t have time to do the spiritual work since he started his job. 

I have to say I work with astonishing spirit guides, who guide on how to empower others with crystals. I’m so very grateful for that.  

Fortunately, I carry crystals in my Tarot box as  I just don’t know when I need to use them.  I handed the staff member  a lemurian crystal point and an ametrine crystal.  I told him we are going to balance the throat chakra.  I asked him to pull out the stagnant energy around the throat using the lemurian point and give it to mama earth. He did and next I asked him to hold the ametrine crystal at the throat for about a minute. When he began to speak again it was with a clear voice, He couldn’t imagine that he was able to use two crystals to clear his voice. This took only a few minutes.  This technique is something you could do too!

Use of Crystals and other tips:

Ametrine crystal enhances your mental and spiritual clarity It also balances feminine and masculine energy. It helps release excess energy.  This crystal is great for creativity. 

Lemurian is a master crystal. It is believed that it holds sacred healing frequencies and ancient wisdom. 

If you are an empath, you can put your bare feet on top of Himalayan salt blocks. This would help to remove energy that is not yours. 

Rose quartz and Carnelian are great for self-love. Place the rose quartz on your heart and the Carnelian on your second chakra; Take a few deep breaths while saying a positive loving affirmation. 

I personally get all my “crystal medicine” from Borrowed Time Emporium. Jen the owner has an enormous assortment. 

Enjoy experimenting with crystals and experience their healing abilities!!

Stephanie Rosally-Kaplan 

Stephanie Rosally-Kaplan Autumn Sage LLC 

Reiki Master Teacher,  Certified Sound Healer (Gong, Singing bowls, Tuning Forks ) Shamanic Practitioner, Certified Soul Coaching® Oracle Card Reader, Certified MoonologerTM, UTW  gemstone and crystal practitioner level 2 and 3 , Magnified Healing® 1st  Phase Teacher/Practitioner,  Full moon and fire ceremonies, flowers essences energy,  Teaches all levels of reiki, teaches mediumship, and teaches tarot.