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Winter Solstice Ceremony

The longest night brings the return of light.

"When everything is lost, and all seems darkness,
then comes the new life and all that is needed".
Joseph Campbell

The Red Barn in Durham calls you to a ceremony and celebration of the Winter Solstice. The Solstice is a time of powerful energy for regeneration, rebirth and renewal. And this Solstice not only leads us into a New Year but a new Decade! What do you want to birth from your soul? What gives your life meaning? What do you want to bring to light, for yourself and perhaps others? What do you want to release from the old decade so it doesn't hold you back?

Together we will see the miraculous gifts that are waiting for us in our own darkness. And by the light of the fire, we will see what is needed for them to come to life! Join us for this pivotal moment in time as we venture inward to kindle our creative fire!

This experience will be led by ceremonialist, healer and shamanic practitioner, George Herrick. At the Red Barn in Durham 352 Main Street Durham, Ct. 06422